You Will Get Your Amount Refunded If You Don't Get Satisfied From My Service.

Posted By: shubham bose

About this Talent:


Best Counseling for mental health issues. ADHD PTSD BIPOLAR DRUG Addiction, love life issues, marriage issues etc efc. I'm here to listen all your problems and help you to overcoming from those issues. You won't get better counseling service from anybody in here. If you don't get satisfied from my service then you will get your money back. I will REFUND YOU. I'm good at human psychology people around me call me guru jii cause I give them proper guidance. I provide modern solution for modern people without judging there mistake. Cause I believe we are human and human are meant to make mistakes. Now a days i see negative energy everywhere therefore I try to provide positive vibes. Death is inevitable before we die need to face our problems and overcome from it. It is the only way to have a peaceful death. 

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Delhi Languages Known : english , hindi
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