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Posted By: Jack Angels

About this Talent:

Hello, am Jack Angels from Eldoret. Am 23 years of age. Am a content writer with much skill since it has become my hobby.

Today let's do it educational way by looking into this subject:



It can be defined in two ways;

1. It is an agent of change in the person who inovates visualties and reals the ideas of creating a venture 

2. An enterprenuer is an owner or manager of a business enterprise who owns money through risk and initiatives 


  • Is a process through which individual identify opportunity, allocate resources and create value.
  • The creation of value is often through the identification of nature or through the identification of opportunities for change .
  • Entrepreneurs sees problems as opportunities then take action to identify the solutions to those problems and the customers who will pay to have those problems solved.
  • Entrepreneurial success is simply a function of the ability of an entrepreneur to see this opportunities in the market place, initiative change and create value through solution.
  • Entrepreneurship is an act of being an entrepreneur which can be dived as one who undertakes innovations, finance the business and transforms innovation into economic good.

Difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneur

Roles of entrepreneurship

Essentially economic development means an upward moving whereby the per capital income of a country increase over a long period of time.

What causes economic development?I

In Danielgrowth

to's theory, it identify only three factors o production

  1. Machinery
  2. Capital
  3. Labour 

Ricanto appreciate the vatures of profits in capital acummulations to him profits leads to saving of wealth which ultimately goes to capital formation. Therefore the important role that entrepreneurship plays in the orderly manner as follows

  1. It promotes balanced regional development.
  2. Helps reduce the concentration of economic power.
  3. It reduces the backwardness and induce forward linkages which stimulates the process of economic development
  4. It provide immediate large scale employment
  5. Ii also promotes the country's export trade. 

Factors affecting interprenueral growth

1.Economic factors

This include the following;

-Lack of adiquate capital.

-None availability of capital

-Create risk

This majorly happens in less developed countries than in highly developed countries i.e small market for goods and services.

-None availability of labour and skills

Social factors

Less developed countries are characterised by the presence of social setup which is generally hostile to entrepreneurship compared to the developed countries whereby societies are rational and have high decision making skills 

Cultural factors

This is where  a certain group of the society are viewed as superior than others for instance the case of Muslims Vs the pork industries 

Personality factors

In certain undeveloped countries the entrepreneur is look upon with suspicions thus his or her personality is greatly affected especially when he or she is seen as a profit makers and exporters.


  1. Generate employment
  2. Earns revenue to the government.
  3. Contribution to social development.
  4. Leads to technology development and innovations
  5. Balanced regional development
  6. Organization of human resources.

Salient Features:
Job Price:700 Duration : 2 hours
Location: Rs.Eldored Languages Known : english
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