The Rise Of The Use Of The Use Of Artificial Intelligence Amongst The Manforce.

Posted By: eshita raj

About this Talent:

The rise of Artificial Intelligence has taken over the world with reduce in manforce. People have now highly become dependent on AI for their work like for content writing, script writing article writing, image creation, video creation, video editing etc. Artificial Intelligence has made living really easy for people  by creating contents and required answers faster and in a more effective way as compared to humans. Even businesses and companies are now becoming highly dependent on AI for their work.

As Artificial Intelligence is taking over this world, it is becoming hard for young people to find jobs for themselves as AI has made the work easy resulting in removal of the jobs for humans. Artificial Intelligence being more intelligent than human can pose a higher threat in the near future for the mankind. 

So, it is very important for people to reduce their dependence on AI for their works and stay away from Artificial Intelligence as much as possible, as Artificial Intelligence are also called a threat to humanity or weapons of mass destruction or weapons of its own( human) destruction.


Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 1 min
Location: Rs.Rajasthan Languages Known : english
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