Seeking For Proof Reading Job Opportunities As A Full Time Job.

Posted By: Ivy Loriet

About this Talent:

Hello there,my name is Ivy.I am talented in proof reading and I am good in English grammar.I can easily spot grammar mistakes in sentences and correct them.Back in school I used to score highly in English grammar.I can proofread 50 contents in a day.I will do my work on time because I even have my team with me who will proofread articles and edit them.I will read your content word by word correcting any grammatical errors within it.I will do my work diligently and right on time.I love correcting grammatical errors in sentences these includes spelling mistakes, punctuation errors,tenses and many others.I do even correct my friends' speeches whenever they go astray grammatically.This makes feel like I am one of the right people for this job opportunity.I am well conversant with British English because in my country, Kenya we use the British English and that's the English we were taught in school.I am interested in doing this work because I am currently taking a course of becoming an English teacher.I am studying English and literature.I enjoy doing such work .


Salient Features:
Job Price:200 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Kenya Languages Known : english
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