Mirror Is The World Important Which Is Used To See Your Future In Your Eyes..

Posted By: Samir Poudel

About this Talent:


In the stillness of a moonlit night, the mirror stood as a silent sentinel, capturing the secrets of those who gazed into its depths. Its frame, adorned with ornate designs, whispered tales of bygone eras. Its glass, flawless and reflective, held a world within its silvery surface.

As one approached, their reflection emerged, a portrait of their inner self. The mirror held no judgment; it merely revealed truths that eyes often concealed. Some found solace in the honesty it offered, while others recoiled from the stark reality it portrayed.

A mirror, they say, is a window to the soul. In its presence, one could confront their hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities. It was a silent confidant, witnessing tears of joy and sorrow alike. Over time, it had become a repository of memories, a record of the passage of time etched in lines and wrinkles.

The mirror, unchanging, continued to reflect the ever-evolving stories of those who dared to look, reminding them that beauty and truth are found not just in the reflection, but in the acceptance of what lies beneath.

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 2hrs
Location: Rs.Nepal Languages Known : english
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