I Will Use My Computer Knowledge To Promote Your Business To My Very Best.

Posted By: Daniel Bala

About this Talent:


I have a trade text certificate in computer operation (Data entry). Data entry has been my hobic and occupation which i will be please to run it to any extend if really im paid well because for a man to live well he most hustle extremely.

So as a computer operator i'm ready to apply my knowledge in data entry in order to get some money to improve my standard of living day and night for there is no food for a lazy man. it will be my pleasure to use my knowledge to promote you business which will also promote the economic statndard expecially here in where a lote of people are suffering from malnutrition because of political and religion crisis.

this is also another grace for me to expose my knowledge and also be recognize in some part of the world. 


Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 2 Days
Location: Rs.Faridabad Languages Known : english
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