I Will Help You In Carrying Out The Survey Analysis Diligently Just For Rs.500
Posted By: Alex Yuma
About this Talent:
Hi my name is Alex Yuma , i am a freelancer who can work very briliant in a given sector. And am interested to work with any given opportunity, because am trained in it with confident. I have worked in search kinds of a job more than two years working experient, bealive and trust me that no any single complaine will occer when you give me this survey to be carried out.
I will always work smart and coparative in this sector. I have worked with different organizations to carry out there surveys, and at the end they realy appreciated me a lot for the good job that i have done.
My work is always organised and always ready to be reviewed by even any superial worker. I have indeed meet the eligibility of carrying the surveys, and i beleaved through my professionalism and the presentation really qualified me to it.
Salient Features:
Job Price:100 | Duration : 1 Days |
Location: Rs.Nairobi | Languages Known : english |