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Posted By: Ondoro Lorna

About this Talent:


A chronic disease is a condition that ussually lasts for three months or longer and may get worse overtime. They occurs mostly in older adults and it can be controlled but can't be cured. They include cancer, heart diseases, strock, diabetes and arthritis. 

Living with chronic illnesses becomes easier only if you adupt to it and admit that you have it. Always be active to living a healthy normal life. Regular activities help one manage the condition and prevent complications. Having a healthy lifestyle makes it easier to manage the illness.

It is also advisable to know about your health condition after every three months to detect any illness in an early stage because early detection and treatment can lead to better treatment outcomes. At this point the chronic disease is on its initial stage making it easier to adupt to early medication which stops the disease from progressing inside hence reducing the rate on damage to your system. 

It's very easy to cope with chronic disease once you accept yourself the way you are. Avoid stressing out, avoid alcohol and other abusive substances, take good diet, take medication and stay active always not forgetting enough rest. 

One suffering from chronic disease should have a group of supportive system to count on, trusted ones. This group includes six major which are; family, friends, neighbours, therapist, doctors and supportive groups. Remember, only the ones you trust and can count on. Avoid negative people to avoid negative thoughts which can make you loose your purpose. 

During treatment, one is advised to try so hard to avoid negativity, manage stress, incourage physical activities more, maintain normal healthy weight by taking healthy diets, have good rest. Not forgetting to avoid alcohol and negative people, always stay positive and remember to work on your goals. 

In medical advancement in treating chronic disease which includes granted emphasis on supporting patients in managing their illnesses, I found out that regenerative medicine holds tremendous promise in the treatment of the illness and age-relatef Conditions. Also found out that depression caused by chronic disease can aggravate the illness, causing a vicious circle to develop. Depression occurs when the illness causes pain, disability or social isolation. Depression causes intensifies the pain, fatigue and self-doubt that can lead a person into avoiding other people. 

People with chronic disease are empowered through other people's stories about their life's. I came across Natasha's inspiring story of Resilience in the face of chronic disease and it was so inspirational. The patients should be empowered through this kind of stories. There are so many people out there with same cases and they are dealing with it with inspiration as they have no problem with the fact that they are ill. Learn more about your dinspiration other empowered people to empower you thoughts and make you active. Stay positive as ussual and manage your lifestyle normally without any doubts. Set your goals and work on them as ussual. Stay healthy, happy and strong always. 

Salient Features:
Job Price:700 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Kenya Languages Known : english
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