"I Do My Job Honestly, Accurately & Best Of My Best "

Posted By: sunil kunwar

About this Talent:

Hello sir/madam,

I 'm sunil Kunwar .I currently studying bsc. Physics , I am fressor but I believe I would be a valuable addition to your task. I want to make money for my study in city university,I already learned basic computer to find any part time job I can typing english  and well knowlege about microsoft word ,microsoft excel and powerpoint. I am quick to learn new systems and adopt to change requirements, I need part time job so I am here to do work. If you give me a  work, I do my job  honestly & trying to my best . You will not regret for offering me to do job.

I reconize the sensitivity of certain information and mantain strict confidentiality in my work  .I do job at minimum rate and productive work.I understand importance of aacuracy in the field of data entry and document management .I review my work to encure errror free results ,I want to learning so many things so it will help to your company to aapply my knowlege ,skill and ability as well. I also want to gain some experiences from your company it will help me to as well to do my best about my knowlege ,skill ability.I am someone who is very organized and detailed oriented .

I like to plan ahead and make sure everything  is in order before starting a project .I am also a good communicator and enjoy working Overall ,I take pride in my work and strive for excellance, That's why I can be  a best for your company or in the field of work I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Thank you

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.West Bengal Languages Known : english
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