I Can Write Effective Web Content And Copy Writing Within 24 Hours

Posted By: Hiruni Maheshika

About this Talent:


Environment can be simply defined as our susurrounding.It includes the earth,air,trees,all the living beings,oceans,rivers etc.

Today we can't talk about the environment without mentioning environment pollution.We have damaged the natural environment so badly.Air pollution,land pollution,water pollution and sound pollution are the main aspects of environmental pollution.They are the comman ways that destroy our environment.

We shoul protect the environment with our maximum efforts.We should plant more trees.We have to conserve natural eco-systems like forests,correl reefs,wetlands etc.And also, we should be careful when we discard garbage.Furthermore,we have to take every action to reduce the use of harmful things like plastic.

In the end,we have to educate other people about pollution.If we act together,we can save our planet earth.It is the one and only home for all of us.So,we should be wise enough to save our home.

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Sri Lanka Languages Known : english
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