I Can Write Any Articles, Research Works And Narratives At Affordable Pricesd Classified Projects

Posted By: Richa Borthakur

About this Talent:

Hi, I am Richa Borthakur,

I am a researcher who love to work in rewriting the projects, and have a passion through a work of various projects related to women empowerment, genderd bodies and also narrate other stories, playwright, and narratives as well as I can bring clients to describe every work as a new hope in research and uses of it in industry of society which help every researcher

who are pursuing Ph.D Or in any research project can get help through it or as a research assistant it will take on in a newbdevelop area and pursue their dreams in new journey which help them to write, narrate as well as translate all as a manage way that has a long keywords and help in formating one narrative stories, translating in books, journals and articles

where every one could bring light to one uses and resite through dignity. 

Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 Duration : 3 hours
Location: Rs.Assam Languages Known : english
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