I Can Rite Unique Essays And Article , Content Copy Writting

Posted By: Zubair Ameen

About this Talent:

Hi i am hifza i need this job. I am graduated from punjab university i have one year experience and customer never desapoint with my work . I have unique skill of writting like essays , content writting , assignments pages work and articles stories like this so you can see below my project of essay  

Title: Understanding Terrorism A Brief Overview

Terrorism is a global issue that poses significant challges to international security .It refers to the use of voilence intermidation to achieve political , religions,or ideoligical goals

Terroists group often operate clandestinely making it difficult for authorities to anticipate to prevent attacks. These groups can be motivated by various factors such as religions ,extremism socialism , and economic 

The impact of terrorism is far reaching affecting  not only immediate victim but also entire societies .It can lead to lose of life economic distipution and a sence of security .preventing terrorism requires addresing causes like poverty and social inequality and politics it also involves countering extremist ideoligies through education and community engagement .

In conclusion,terrorism is a complex issue with profound consequence combatting requires a multifacedted approch that combines security measure to efforts to address to underlying grievance and understanding to promote tolerance among diverse comunities .

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Daily
Location: Rs.Pakistan Languages Known : english
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