I Can Provide You With Wonderful Stories, Poems And Article.

Posted By: Davie

About this Talent:

I have a wonderful imagination and writing talent by giving me chance I can do great. It also starts when I was young I great used to tell my imagination stories to my friend and some came to me to write for them. It's that time when I realised of my hidden talent.

From that extend I started to read more books to explore my friends knowledge and the way they presented information, to my site I can say that this act help me to build my skill.

I want to share my knowledge to the world if it is best it will help to change the world by bringing more creative and critical thinking people. 

I want to write more on business ideas and I will try as much as possible to explore and study how successful people manage to hold that flag in their hands.

I am more interested in Elon Musk, aliko ndangote and in our country we have simbi phiri and thom mpinganjira. Indeed they hold powerful flag

Salient Features:
Job Price:1500 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Malawi Languages Known : english
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