I Can Post 50 Classified Ads Per Day On Various Classified Websites Just For Rs.500/- "

Posted By: Talha Gujjar

About this Talent:


I am a professional typer my typing speed is 90 and I will do work faster then other so please interest me and give me work and I do typing and excel work please give me work I will be very thank full to you you belive me than you will be be success full and my dream

I will be work my client good than other person than you prefer me I live in Canada and work hard for my client so give me typing tasks and I will complete in just 10 minutes please give me some tasks so my talent is best for you you have a good choice to choce my work my talent

I will work better then other and you don't know my work you know then you come back with me and work again with me so please work me I will be very thank full to you

Salient Features:
Job Price:1500 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Canada Languages Known : english
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