I Can Post 40-50 Articles On Any Topic Preferably Social Just For Rs.1000/- "

Posted By: Ibrahim

About this Talent:

Hey, I am Muhammad Ibrahim and I study at the indus academy in Karachi  Pakistan,i am 14 currently and I just completed my grade 9 with quite decent grades and will start my 10th grade in August.Actually I need some earning skills to bare my expenses on my own that is why I've decided to start some work.

My favourite subjects are Accounting and Mathematics and gratefully in 9th year of my studies I got A in both of my favourite subjects.The reason why I've chosen research writing is because I think my general knowledge is pretty decent and I even like to research about what's happening around the globe.My major interest is in cricket and other sports such as football and ufc (wrestling).

I also like to talk about politics of the subcontinent.My dream is to establish a business from my own hardwork and keep my family happy.For this job I'm really determined and excited and I hope I'll do great and make the most out of this opportunity in form of experience and early career boost!

Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 Duration : 2 hours
Location: Rs.Karachi Languages Known : english
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