Frequently Asked Questions

1. What phone and computer do I need to work from home?

You can use a basic laptop/desktop with Windows or Mac OS to start working. Any phone with Android OS or iOS is good to go.

2. Am I free to select the project for working on?

Yes, you are free to select the job that you need to work on, based on your skills and expertise.

3. Are there any specific requirements of the workspace that needs to be followed?

There is no such requirement but as a general rule, it is better to work in a distraction free environment so you can better focus on your work and deliver your best.

4. Do I need to undergo training before starting a job?

There is no such requirement but as a general rule, it is better to work in a distraction free environment so you can better focus on your work and deliver your best.

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Recently Posted Talents

I Can Type At Least 1000 Words A Day And Am Effective

Writing is a creative endeavour that can take various forms. I have a degree in business information technology with a focus on database management. I have knowledge with and am adept with Microsoft Office software. I can gather and edit the grammar in the provided data because I have expertise typing projects for students and researchers. All that is required is the data gathered or research completed, which can be typed in accordance with the researchers' titles. I have excellent listening skills and can also type audio chats. I promise to provide your work efficiently and on schedule. I can work to the time and quantity that has been agreed upon. Generally, it takes me a day and a half to type a 1000-word passage and two days to type a project; however, there may be additional costs.

Sher Bahadur

2 hours


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