I Can Post 100 Classified Ads And Form Filling At A Kshs 1000


About this Talent:


I am a new and fresh here, I graduated back in 2016.i have been working full-time in a microfinance field untill recently when i left.to me i feel best working with global people to achieve certain goal.I haven't done data entry but I have  knowledge of  data entry and form filling and also a first learner.

By working with you i will be able to learn more on creativity and  make money.i will if possible i can do it full-time because I want to engage more on online jobs.I have achieved many goals previously and i know through this platform i will testify one day the goodness of freelance.

I want to thanks you for coming up with this kind of various jobs because most of us have an idea but because of resources we end up putting a side.i know one day i will be able to achieve my goal and dreams 

Salient Features:
Job Price:2000 Duration : 1 daily
Location: Rs.West Bengal Languages Known : english
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