I Can Post 10 Artworks Per Day On Various Classified Website Just For Rs.500

Posted By: Boyitie Emmanuel

About this Talent:


Why am I good at this job: I believe that I am good at artworks, I am an artist and I bring new imaginative designs to reality. If I am employed into this job customers would be really attracted.

Why do I want to do this: This is because I have always dreamt of working at different companies with my mind and sense of art.

Why is this job important to me : This is because it could make me take me from nowhere to somewhere at least I would know that I work for a particular company  which pays  very well and with this I would be able to introduce others into this website.

What is my purpose:My purpose for this is to impact other people with some of my knowledge and illustration of my painting and drawing of artworks , at least this could bring up something for the better.

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.NIGERIA Languages Known : english
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