I Can Perform The Data Entry, Process, Analysis And Visualization

Posted By: Jiregna Teshome

About this Talent:

I have graduated masters degree in health. The Nursing background and masters of public health. I have about 15 years in public and private organizations. In my experience, capacity building, planning and monitoring and evaluation were the major competencies I acquired in those organizations.

I am an expert on the development of data collection tool, manuals and guideline develoment in health sector, and designing dashbords for evalution of the projects. Besides, engaged in continuing professional development courses design, development and instructional design too. I have took various online courses to rebust my digitalization knowledge and skills.

Research activities and success stories were among the key acheivements I have contributed. I also have computer and English preficiency skills certificate. I have anoufgh knowledge on advanced statitical software and digitalization including coding.

Thus, I can contrubute more on data entry, analysis and presentatiuon on the provided data. Moreover, I can also fill surveys and questionarries.

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Addis Ababa Languages Known : english
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