I Can Fill A Form With More Words Within A Short Time

Posted By: Daniel Amofah Afful

About this Talent:


I can fill about  100 forms in at least six hours a day with more than 1500 words.

Iam some one who has completed Microsoft word office and endowed with high typing speed.I have been typing lots of information on the computer for many purposes such as database, collection of data and data entry as well as data analysis.

Also, lam  an educator and administrator of  Secondary School who has been indulging in data entry work.

As an administrator, I always fill forms concerning staffing of teachers in terms of their names, date of birth, staff  ID, bank accounts , registered numbers as well as their Social security numbers.

Apart from the aforementioned duties, I have been filling their personal forms concerning their parents, ages, number of children they have , their wife's and also their current salaries received.

Again, I have also been filling forms concerning administrative work like collection of data about the number of tables and chairs available in the school, the number of damaged furniture, number of textbooks available as well as number of other teaching and learning materials like cardboards, markers, chalk, labtops, and scientific asparagus.

Moreover, l have also been taking records about tools and equipment used to work on the school compound and the school garden.

So, the number of cutlasses, hoes, rakes, wheelbarrows, hammers being recorded right after working on school compounds and in school garden.

Every item bought by the school is being recorded in terms of the price, date , quantity and brand.

In fact the effort l have been putting up as an administrator has made it possible to achieve many projects including the school library, the computer laboratory, science laboratory and the school printing press.

Recently, about 20 computer have been bought to add up to the existing ones.

As at now, I have been training some learner's how to the computer to enter  data and fill forms some of the computer practical lessons

Also, the school has also been able to achieve building for the school canteen.

As an administrator, I realized the need to include more project policies in the school.

So, I in collaboration with the school management committee,PTA and the teachers, l have been able to establish farm that generate  income for the school.

And this has really helped to get money to pay for the community -based employees in the school.

Again, special buildings has been put up to  keep the food for canteen which help the pupils a lot

About two years ago, I wrote a petition to the compassion Ghana as an NGO to support our school is terms of finance and infrastructure for staff meeting.And this yielded a positive result.

At the moment, they have been able to support the school to pay salaries of two community-based staff members.

Again, the Compassion Ghana has constructed huge building for staff meeting.

Staffing was a problem in the school but now my actions has been able to do away with those problems like under staffing, low staff motivation and so on

Salient Features:
Job Price:200 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Ghana Languages Known : english
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