I Can Do Various Types Of Text Editing And Copywriting For Rs.200/- Per Day

Posted By: Nodir Toshpulatov

About this Talent:

Bundan, men kompaniyalar uchun kopirayterlik xizmatlarini ko'rsatganman.Yirik kompaniyalar bilan hali kompaniyalarim bor, lekin men qo'shimcha maosh olmoqchiman.Endi kopirayterlikdan tashqari, marketing ishlari bilan ham shug'ullanaman. Grafik dizayn ishlarini ham qila olaman. Men har qanday turib logotiplar bilan ishlay olaman.

I can easily work with Artificial Intelligences. It does not cause any difficulties for me.Online work is a must, I can definitely complete the given task, there will be no difficulties. Of course, there will be no human flaw and I will try to work without flaws.

I can also understand things in geology and I can say that my ability in geology is very high. I can also give advice on drawings and draw but But I can't draw human figures.The purpose of my work as a freelancer is that income can come at any time and it is convenient for me.I believe I can earn your trust, and you should too 


Salient Features:
Job Price:200 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Uzbekistan Languages Known : english
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