I Can Copy And Write Articles And Provide Them On Time
About this Talent:
I go by the name Antony.Well am a second year student pursuing computers science at TUM.I can copy and rewrite articles from given websites.I have an experience in typing and I can produce the given work on time.I can also make my work more appealing by using special feartures from my windows.
I really like online writing as my part time job cause it saves the cost of transports and other resourcer,it just requires source of power and internet.I also go through my work to check out errors to ensure the final work is correct.Most of the time am free on my machine so I can also do multiple tasks and provide them on time.I can also do assignments from the given website and produce them on time without errors and also making them more apppealing to the clients.
i really need the job to prove my skills and what i gat
Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 | Duration : 3 Days |
Location: Rs.Kolkata | Languages Known : english |