I Am Writer, I Write Unique Articles, Script, Poems, Lyrics, Blog,Anything

Posted By: Haris Naeem

About this Talent:


ACCESS MODE: Memory has two major access mode , sequential and ramdom .In sequential access mode memory can be accessed only in serial order i.e. if wo have to access 4th memory location then wo first would have to move to first three location and skip themand only then wo can access 4th location . It is also called serial access. In random access mode memory location can be accessed at random i.e. if wo have to access 4th location than wo can directly goto 4th location and access it .it is also called random access mode.

ACCESS TIME: It is the time taken to retrives data from memory . Access time in sequential access memory device is more than random access memory device .

DATA TRANSFER RATE: It is the time to retrives data from one memory device to the ohter. For example time taken to transfer data hard disk to the main memory.

Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 Duration : 24 hours
Location: Rs.Pakistan Languages Known : english
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