I Am Expert At Word Processing Excel Worksheets Calculations Etc
About this Talent:
I have worked on Word Processing, Excel Sheets, other data entry jobs, online tasks, business purposes software and Teaching Mathematics and other subjects for twenty (20) years.
I am expert at above mentioned work and can do best for any project if given.
Typing thesis, letters, applications, books etc
Maintaining records in Excel worksheets, calculations or simple programing etc
Teaching Mathematics Sindhi English and other subjects
I have been working in different institutions either educational, financial or government etc since 2001. The work that I have performed is teaching computer programming, computer operator, maintaining records of schools and other firms. I have been teaching English Sindhi mathematics history General Science and other subjects as well either in schools or at tuition centres etc
Therefore I can perform any task on above with best efforts and complete the given projects very smoothly and clearly whatever project may be of Typing or database in Word Processing or Excel worksheets
Salient Features:
Job Price:500 | Duration : 1 Days |
Location: Rs.Pakistan | Languages Known : english |