Hire Me And I Will Help You With Your Work.
Posted By: Amithab TK
About this Talent:
Hello my name is Amithab. I am here to help you in your work. I can complete the given assignment on time. I do my work accurately so you can trust me with your work. I may not be that experienced, but I assure you we will have a good time working together. I am punctual when it comes to the works given to me, so be assured you'll get your work done properly. Also the time duration may depend on the work given, please note that. I currently am a student, and I'm developing my skills, building my career and learning everything through experience. So I recommend you hire me for your work. Don't worry for I am a student and inexperienced, I assure you, you will get your job done on time with precision and completeness. Let's have a good time working together. Let's get your work done together.
Salient Features:
Job Price:500 | Duration : 1 hour |
Location: Rs.Calicut | Languages Known : english |