Electricity In Life . Electricity Is A Life Line Of All Modern Development

Posted By: Dilraj singh

About this Talent:


Electricity is a great wonder of science.mordern life is not possible without electricity. It has really invaded all fields of human life . A housewife uses various gadgets wich run of electricity. She uses oven fridge mixer washing machine and electric iron.all these make her work easy .

The house hold contains fan's cooler and heaters. They save us from severe weather conditions.theyadd to our comfort.

We use radio, tape-reacorder,t.v,cd.player and V.C.Ps they entertain us and enrich our knowledge.they help us to pass time .a doctor today uses many sophisticated instruments.they run of electricity x- rays and E.C.G .ect.

Help the doctor to diagnose disease.micro - surgery is possible only with the help of sensitive - electronic apparatus.

Trains run on electricity. Roads are lighted by it . Factories that produce consumer goods for us are run on electricity. Busses cars and scooters have electronics part s . Multi - storey building s have lifts


Salient Features:
Job Price:150 Duration : 1 DAY
Location: Rs.Chhattisgarh Languages Known : english
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