Data Entry/Form Filling - Work Delivered Within Specified Timeframe - Starting Rs. 500

Posted By: Victor Peter Guya

About this Talent:


I have the relevant experience in data entry. I meet set deadlines and deliver quality work as per the required standards. I have been involved in data entry and other related activities for the last 5 years. All my work has been receiving positive approval with no complains, errors  and omissions . 

I am flexible in my work and can make changes to the work if required within the specified timeframe.

My approach usually is to have a personal discussion with the client in order to quite fully understand what is needed as per his views. If alternatives exists to the tasks at hand I suggest them to the client and we discuss around it. If found to be viable then the alternative is adopted.

This has proved to be very beneficial and pragmatic as in the recent pasts; projects that I have handled with different clients in which we adopted suggested alternatives did end up producing good results.

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Day
Location: Rs.Nairobi Languages Known : english
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